Resolution No. 24-07 Approving Proposal From J Johnson & Company, Inc For Water Main Repair in an Amount not to Exceed $155,000
Resolution No. 24-06 Adopting the District Budget for FY 2024-2025
Resolution No. 24-05 Levying of Property-Related Fees and Charges-Adding Tax Code 74401
Resolution No.24-04 Adopting Report Proposing To Have Sewer Fees-Charges, Moss Landing Service Area Collected On The Tax Roll 2024/2025
Resolution No. 24-03 Approving Proposal From Teichert Construction for Water Service Line Replacement
Resolution No. 24-02 Ordering an Election and Requesting the County Elections Department to Conduct the Election and Consolidation of the Election
Resolution No. 24-01 Levying of Property-Related Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 23-06 Accept Audit Report for FYE June 30, 2023
Resolution No. 23-05 To Initiate LAFCO Annexation of Finepro, LLC APN: 413-012-014 to the CCSD
Resolution No. 23-04 Adopting the District Budget for 2023-2024
Resolution No. 23-03 Levying of Property-Related Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 23-02 Approving the Washington St. Sewer Bypass Project-Approving the Final Initial Study- IS-MND-MMRP
Resolution No,. 23-01 Approving the Moss Landing Wastewater System Rehabilitation Project-Approving the Final Initial Study-Monitoring etc
Resolution No. 22-20 Accept Audit Report for FYE June 30, 2022
Resolution No. 22-19 Adriana Melgoza for Distinguished Service as a Key Board Member of CCSD
Resolution No. 22-18 Authorizing to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 22-17 Authorizing A Representative to Execute the Grant Deed and Paperwork for A Portion of APN:133-491-021(Aladin Properties, LLP)
Resolution No. 22-16 Authorizing A Designee to Negotiate & Execute A Funding Agreement, etc-with CDWR-Well #3 Desalination Pilot Program
Resolution No. 22-15 Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 22-14 Engaging Signs By Van for the Design, Fabrication, and Installation of the Castroville Landmark Sign
Resolution No. 22-13 Approving a Sole Source Contract with Maggiora Bros Drilling, Inc. for the Replacement of Well #4 Pump
Resolution No. 22-12 Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 22-11 Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 22-10 Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 22-09 Adopting the District Budget for FY 2022-2023
Resolution No. 22-08 Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 22-07 Authorizing a Representative for the Financial Assistance Application -State Water Resources Control Board
Resolution No. 22-06 Ordering an Election and Requesting the County Elections Department to Conduct the Election and Consolidation of the Election
Resolution No. 22-05 Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 22-04 Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 22-03 Levying of Property-Related Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 22-02 Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 22-01 Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Resolution No. 21-05 Authorizing the Grant Application, Acceptance, and Execution for Emergency Deep Aquifer Well No. 6 and Storage Tank
Resolution No. 21-04 Accept Audit Report FYE June 30, 2021
Resolution No. 21-03 Adopting the District Budget for FY 2021-2022
Resolution No. 21-02 Levying of Property-Related Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 21-01 Authorizing a Contribution to the MCWRA Toward Matching Funds
Resolution No. 20-08 Adoption of Procurement Policy
Resolution No. 20-07 Accept Audit Report FYE June 30, 2020
Resolution No. 20-06 Authorizing A Finacial Assistance Application for Enhancement of Existing District Water Infrastructure
Resolution No. 20-05 Approving Professional Engineering Services Proposal for Washington Sewer Trunk Line Bypass 30% Desgin Work
Resolution No. 20-04 Adopting the District Budget for FY 2020-2021
Resolution No. 20-03 Ordering an Election and Requesting the County Elections Department to Conduct the Election and Consolidation of the Election
Resolution No. 20-02 Levying of Property-Related Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 20-01 Residential Water Service Disconnection Policy
Resolution No. 19-7 Accept Audit Report FYE June 30, 2019
Resolution No. 19-6 CCSD Appointment of Primary and Alternate Postion for Small Water System/DAC on theSVGWB-GSA
Resolution No. 19-5 Adopting the District Budget for FY 2019-2020
Resolution No. 19-4 Authorizing Resolution of the Moss Landing Rehabilitation Project
Resolution No. 19-3 Levying of Property-Related Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 19-2 Updating the 2015-7 Moss Landing Sewer Allocation Plan
Resolution No. 19-1 Honoring the Memory of Lloyd W. Lowrey, JR.
Resolution No. 18-6 Commendation for Silvestre Montejano for Distinguished Service as a Key Board Member
Resolution No. 18-5 Accept Audit Report for FYE June 30, 2018
Resolution No. 18-4 Authorizing Financiall Assistance Application with USDA for Enhancement of Existing Castroville Water Infrastructure
Resolution No. 18-3 Adopting the District Budget for FY 2018-2019
Resolution No. 18-2 Ordering an Election and Requesting the County Elections Department to Conduct the Election and Consolidation of the Election
Resolution No. 18-1 Leving of Asessments and Property-Related Fee and Charges
Resolution No. 17-8 Authorizing Financial Assistance Applicaton for Enhancement of Existing Castroville Water Infrastructure
Resolution No. 17-7 Accept Audit Report for FYE June 30, 2017
Resolution No. 17-6 Approving the Second Amendment of the JPA for the MRWPCA to Change the Name of the Agency to "Monterey One Water"
Resolution No. 17-5 Authorizing a Financial Assistance Application for Repair of Existing Castroville Wastewater Infrastructure
Resolution No. 17-4 Authorizing a Financial Assistance Application for Repair of Existing Moss Landing Wastewater Infrastructure
Resolution No. 17-3 Adopting the District Budget for FY 2017-2018
Resolution No. 17-2 Election of Directors to the SDRMA Authority Board of Directors
Resolution No. 17-1 Leving of Assessments and Property-Related Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 16-13 Approving Advance Retirement of Bonds
Resolution No. 16-12 Approving JPA Agreement for Groundwater Management
Resolution No. 16-11 Moving Board Member Election to November of Even-Numbered Years
Resolution No. 16-10 Accept Audit Report for FY Ended June 30, 2016
Resolution No. 16-9 Amendment to Paragraph 7.02 MRWPCA JPA
Resolution No. 16-8 Adopting the Disrict Budget for FY 2016-2017
Resolution No. 16-7 Declaring the Results of the Prop 218 Protest Count for Proposed Increases for Castroville Zone 2 Sewer Services
Resolution No. 16-6 Delcaring a Level 1 Water Supply Shortage (11% Reduction) in Effect Until January 2017
Resolution No. 16-5 Levying of Assessments and Property-Related Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 16-4 Approving Submittal to CPUC of Draft "In Concept" Return Water Purchase Agreeement
Resolution No. 16-3 Extending Drought Restrictions Until October 2016
Resolution No. 16-2 Approving Return Water Planning Term Sheet
Resolution No. 16-1 Naming the New Water Treatment Plant in Honor of Mr. Silvio Bernardi
Resolution No. 15-10 Declaring the Results of the Prop 218 Protest Count for Proposed Water Increases for Castroville Zone 1 & No Majority Protest & Setting January 19, 2016 as the Date for Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 66 to Encact Revised Rate Schedule
Resolution No. 15-9 Accept Audit Report for FYE 6/30/15
Resolution No. 15-8 Establish Capitalization Policy
Resolution No. 15-7 Accepting 2015 Moss Landing Sewer Allocation Plan
Resolution No. 15-6 Enter into Grant Agreement w/ CA Dept of Water Resources
Resolution No. 15-5 Adopting District Budget for FY 2015-16
Resolution No. 15-4 Elections of SDRMA Board of Directors
Resolution No. 15-3 Requesting County Elections to Conduct Elections
Resolution No. 15-2 Levying of Assessments, and Property-Related Fees and Charges
Resolution No. 15-1 Declaring a Level 2 Water Supply Shortage (25% Reduction)